Fascination, new insights, and knowledge about marine ecosystems

Fascination, new insights, and knowledge about marine ecosystems

Wageningen University & Research, Animal Sciences Group

What does the fascinating underwater world look like? Not many people are able to see it with their own eyes. The researchers in the Marine Animal Ecology Research Group take the general public, journalists, policymakers, NGOs, schools, and other interested parties underwater to highlight the opportunities and threats to the marine environment.

They do this through interviews and appearances on the radio, in newspapers and on TV, for example with underwater footage for the children’s news programme. They also view it as their task to debunk fake news, for example about poison in Pangasius fish or about microplastics.

The grant from the Rewarded! Fund will make it possible, for example, to set up an informative exhibition/installation in cooperation with a visual and graphic artist. The scientists will also create a virtual reality experience about the beauty, threats, and solutions of and for marine life and a series of videos or a film in cooperation with professional TV producers.

WUR.nl – Fish highly toxic is rubbish
WURur.nl – Gif en microplastics in vis
BNN Vara – Vroege vogels – Vishotel lokt vissen
AT5 – Marineterrein – Kunstmatig rif op Marineterrein

Reindert Nijland, universitair docent

Other group members:
Tinka Murk, hoogleraar
Lisa Becking, universitair docent
Ronald Osinga, universitair docent

Reindert Nijland legt uit hoe het vishotel werkt. Videostill uit Vishotel lokt vissen in het Haringvliet | TV Vroege Vogels (link)